Throughout the year we gather for special times of worship other than Sunday mornings. All are invited to be a part of these services.
Ash Wednesday:
We gather in the sanctuary on Ash Wednesday to begin the season of Lent. We do not emphasize giving something up for Lent. Instead we use the Lenten season as a time to add or begin some life-affirming discipline. Imposition of ashes is offered.
Maundy Thursday:
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday evening, which is the Thursday before Easter. According to the New Testament, this is the night that Jesus broke bread and blessed the cup at dinner with his disciples.
Good Friday:
We gather on the Friday before Easter, to remember Christ’s death on the Cross. This service calls on us to witness and contemplate Jesus’ humility, service, suffering and death.
Easter Sunrise Service:
No matter the weather, we gather at dawn on Easter morning behind our church, on the bluff overlooking Collins Lake, for an Easter Sunrise service to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. The service is followed with a light breakfast in our fellowship hall.
Our Regular Easter Services are at 8:00 am and 10:00 am in the Sanctuary.
Thanksgiving Eve:
On the evening before Thanksgiving we gather to worship and give thanks to God together.
Christmas Eve:
We have two services on Christmas Eve, a Family service led by the children and youth of our congregation, and a Traditional Lessons and Carols Service with a musical prologue that begins about a half hour before worship begins. Both of these services are candlelight services with lots of carols to celebrate the joy of Christ’s birth.