Christian Education

Christian Education at First Reformed Scotia carries through to all ages.  We feel that all education, service, fellowship and social programs are a way to continue to grow and bloom as a child of Christ.

Along with Christian Education on Sunday for birth to 12th grade students, we offer Adult and inter-generational opportunities throughout the year.  Some of our offerings include Bible Studies, Small Groups, Book Clubs, and more!

We offer Faith Formation classes at 10:30 a.m. for children age 4 through grade 12. Children and youth leave the sanctuary prior to the sermon for their own time of learning Christ’s way. Classes are held from September through June and are taught by our Director of Christian Education and/or volunteers. Here’s a bit about our education opportunities:

Nursery Care: Birth to 4 years

Children meet in the nursery for an introduction to Bible stories and free play. Our nursery director leads our littlest ones in Bible themed story time. Our nursery has age appropriate toys, manipulatives, floor and table space for play and projects. We have changing area, rocking chairs and rest rooms within the nursery.

Faith Formation: Kindergarten to 12th

Our Faith Formation model uses workshop approach to religious education, giving students hands on activities and a variety of experiences to connect with Bible themes.  Within each theme, students experience workshops such as Science, Art, Storytelling, Video, Drama, Music, Games and more, to best facilitate authentic learning.

Adult Education:

We have many opportunities for lifelong learners. We offer a variety of discipleship experiences ranging from bible study to group study,  workshops, retreats, volunteer opportunities, outreach, and more.